Videoconferencing of inmates with the defence lawyer or with the lawyer expressly called in relation to criminal matters
communications, videoconferencing, inmates, lawyer.Abstract
The use of videoconferencing in the Spanish Administration of Justice, and more specifically, in the Spanish criminal process, is not something new, not even in prisons, where for more than a decade this technology has been used to facilitate the practice of some judicial proceedings. However, its use for other purposes is complete or practically non-existent, although it may be very appropriate, among other things, to facilitate communications between the inmate and his family, to provide the inmate with medical assistance, or for videoconferencing of inmates with the defence lawyer or with the lawyer expressly called in relation to criminal matters. Precisely, this work focuses on the latter possibility when analysing whether this type of communication is currently regulated or not in the Spanish penitentiary regulations, if there are antecedents in this respect in our country, what advantages and disadvantages does it present, how it must be developed and what guarantees it must have.Downloads
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