Forecasting the future while investigating the past. The use of computational models in pre-trial detention decisions.



Palabras clave:

pre-trial detention, presumption of innocence, prediction, behavior, legal presumption, risk assessment.


The paper focuses on the traditional purpose of pre-trial detention (and other precautionary measures) to prevent specific risks. While liberty is the rule, before conviction, pre-trial detention is an absolute exception, competing with the opposite principle of the presumption of innocence: providing valuable and accurate justification for balancing the interest to prevent risk with the presumption of innocence is an overarching difficulty for judges, in the whole western world. Which the solutions? The paper reflects and compares the traditional solution of legal presumptions with the newer trend of actuarial assessment tools, based on psycho-criminological theories, based on the Italian and the uS federal systems.


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DOSSIÊ: Liberdade pessoal do imputado e medidas cautelares restritivas à liberdade individual no processo penal

Cómo citar

Quattrocolo, S. (2021). Forecasting the future while investigating the past. The use of computational models in pre-trial detention decisions. Revista Brasileña De Derecho Procesal Penal, 7(3), 1859.