Staying in, nationality and residence of the requested person as grounds for optional non-execution of the European arrest warrant: the Portuguese case




European Arrest Warrant, Grounds for Optional Refusal, Staying in, Nationality, Residence, Portugal, Jurisprudence, Principle of Mutual Recognition.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the grounds for optional non-execution of the European Arrest Warrant in the event that the requested person is staying in, or is a national or a resident in the State, in particular the Portuguese case. The research is important because the EAW is an instrument that seeks to bypass the disadvantages of extradition, seeking simplification and speed in face of the practical difficulties of prosecution in light of the free movement of people within the European Union territory. The Framework Decisions of the Council of the European Union, the relevant Portuguese legislation and the jurisprudence of the Portuguese Courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union are used as sources of analysis. Objective and subjective requirements, the limits of faculties, the outlines of the commitment assumed as a result of the refusal, the need for possible adaptation of the sentence in face of the apparent conflict between its immutability and the reserve of sovereignty of the Portuguese State, and the relationship of the institute with the principle of mutual recognition, which became the cornerstone of judicial cooperation within the European Union’s area of freedom, security and justice.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Bheron Rocha, Defensoria Pública do Estado do Ceará Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR) Centro Universitário Christus (Unichristus)

    Doutorando em Direito Constitucional (UNIFOR). Mestre em Ciências Jurídico-criminais pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, com estágio na Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Alemanha. Pós-graduado em Processo Civil pela Escola Superior do Ministério Público do Ceará. Sócio fundador do Instituto Latino-Americano de Estudos sobre Direito, Política e Democracia (ILAEDPD). Membro da Associação Norte e Nordeste de Professores de Processo (ANNEP) e da Associação Brasileira de Direito Processual (ABDPro). Defensor Público do Estado do Ceará. Professor de Direito Penal e Processo Penal e Civil da Graduação e Pós-Graduação. Professor da Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado do Ceará (ESMEC). Membro do Conselho Editorial da Boulesis e da Emais Editora.


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DOSSIÊ: Cooperação Judiciária Internacional em Matéria Penal

How to Cite

Rocha, J. B. (2019). Staying in, nationality and residence of the requested person as grounds for optional non-execution of the European arrest warrant: the Portuguese case. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure, 5(2), 889-923.