New Technologies and Restriction of Personal Freedom: Electronic Surveillance of the Accused Placed under a Precautionary Measure




Electronic surveillance, Personal freedom of the accused, Precautionary measures.


The paper highlights the ambiguity of the relationship between electronic surveillance of the accused subject to precautionary measures and the principle of minimum sacrifice of personal freedom, dissipating the current stereotype about the suitability of such devices to encourage less use of custody in prison. Furthermore, the continuous technical evolution of surveillance devices risks degrading the dignity of the person. Another issue underlined by the author concerns the treatment to which the individual accused must be subjected in case in which the public administration is unable to guarantee a sufficient number of electronic devices. The conclusion is that, in the absence of available equipment, the judge will have to choose the measure of house arrest, which is milder than custody in prison, in order not to violate the prohibition of excess in the restriction of personal freedom.


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Author Biography

  • Daniele Negri, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
    Professore ordinario di Diritto processuale penale.


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DOSSIÊ: Novas tecnologias e processo penal

How to Cite

Negri, D. (2019). New Technologies and Restriction of Personal Freedom: Electronic Surveillance of the Accused Placed under a Precautionary Measure. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure, 5(3), 1255-1275.