Achieving Accusation by Means of Forensic Science During the Criminal Proceedings in Romania




Crime scene investigation, Forensic examination, Function of accusation, Investigation bodies, Investigation phase, Serious crimes.


Achieving the functions of criminal procedure involves elements of forensic science used to fulfill the overall purpose of criminal proceedings. The function of accusation has a set of particularities and for this reason the approach taken is a key factor in achieving justice in criminal matters both from the judicial authorities and the defendant's perspectives. The legal mechanisms provided by the justice system must ensure equilibrium between accusation, defence and judgment. The current article focuses on the particular features of the function of accusation during the criminal proceedings as well as on the manner of its being exertion by means of forensic science. In the activity of reaching the proposed objectives, an in-depth research methodology has been used consisting of qualitative methods including case study presentations and conclusions obtained through analyzing jurisprudence in case law decisions pronounced by the courts of law in criminal matters. In this context, the forensic science is one that offers entire legal means and mechanisms in order for the judicial bodies to achieve the purpose of criminal proceedings and exercising the function of accusation implicitly.


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Author Biography

  • Delia Magherescu, Gorj Bar Association, Romania
    Doctor in Law since 2005 awarded at the State University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova


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Criminal prosecution: investigation, public oral trial and appeal

How to Cite

Magherescu, D. (2021). Achieving Accusation by Means of Forensic Science During the Criminal Proceedings in Romania. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure, 7(2), 1287.