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Author Guidelines

a) The articles should preferably have between 15 and 25 pages. Paragraphs must be justified. Spacing must not be used before or after paragraphs. Only unpublished and original articles (exclusively submitted to RBDPP) are accepted, except for invited authors and deposits of preprint versions on certified servers.

b) As font, use Times New Roman, size 12. Paragraphs must have 1.5 line spacing; top and bottom margins 2.0 cm and sides 3.0 cm. The paper size formatting must be A4.

c) Manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English or Italian. In any case, the title of the article, the abstract (up to 200 words) and three to five keywords must be indicated in the language of the article and in English.

d) Articles must contain specific items for introduction, final considerations (conclusions) and references(listing the references that have been cited in the article).

e) The title of the article must not be excessively long, but it must clearly present the theme and the delimitation of its object.

f) The author is requested to inform in the submission system and in a footnote any funding or benefits received (eg if the article is the result of a contracted opinion), and to declare that there is no conflict of interest that compromises the scientific nature of the manuscript. If the article is the result of research subsidized by funding agencies, such information must be provided in a footnote and in the acknowledgments, specifying the public call from which the funding results. The RBDPP does not charge Article Processing Charges fees (APC).

  • When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing conflicts of interest that may have influenced their research. Authors must acknowledge in the manuscript all financial support for the paper and other financial or personal connections related to the research. For example, if the author acts as a legal referee (consultant), s/he must insert a footnote stating that the article was based on the position adopted in the opinion given in a specific case due to financial payment. The conflict of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers or editors.

g) The abstract must have up to 200 words, presenting the article’s objectives, problem(s), justification, methodology, results and conclusions.

h) Bibliographic references must be made in accordance with the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT. There is a preference for texts that use references in full format in footnotes at the end of each page. However, references in author-date format are also accepted.

i) The bibliography must be listed at the end of the article and must contain only the texts cited in the manuscript. The bibliography should be comprehensive, citing up-to-date references (preferably published less than five years ago) and from national and foreign authors representing the subject addressed.

  • when the reference has a DOI or is available in an online journal, please add it to the end of the reference, with an active hyperlink (to facilitate access for readers); the existence of DOI should be researched in:

j) The use of bold and underlining is not allowed. Direct quotations from other authors should be made “in quotation marks”, without the use of italics. Use italics to highlight any relevant idea in the text.

k) We suggest that schemes and charts be inserted in the text through images, in order to avoid distortions in the subsequent layout. Tables must be inserted in the text itself, not as images.

l) The articles may have a maximum of three authors. In cases of empirical research and/or of unique complexity, which require more collaborators, motivation must be sent to the editors, explaining such situation and concretely indicating the contribution of each author.

  • according to the standards of ethical integrity to authors, it is necessary to ensure the direct and effective intellectual contribution and the consent of all coauthors. For example, the mere assignment of financial and infrastructure resources is not an indication of co-authorship. For more information click here.
  • in cases of co-authored articles, RBDPP requests the inclusion of a declaration of co-authorship at the end of the paper for publication, where the contributions of each author will be specified (in accordance with the Casrai CRediT Contributor Roles Taxonomy). About it: VASCONCELLOS, V. G. de. Editorial – Autoria e coautoria de trabalhos científicos: discussões sobre critérios para legitimação de coautoria e parâmetros de integridade científica.
  • all authors are fully responsible for the article and for the integrity of the research developed.
  • all authors must have Orcid registration and add it to the metadata of the submission.
  • 1. Artificial intelligence mechanisms (such as ChatGPT) do not satisfy the requirements for co-authorship; 2. Authors must declare (in the methodology or in the acknowledgments) the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms in the writing of the article and/or in the other stages of the scientific research; 3. Authors are responsible for errors, plagiarism and other misconducts that eventually occur in their research due to the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms.

m) Proofreading the paper is responsibility of its authors, since there is no step of spelling and grammar review by a professional after submission of the article. In cases of major and frequent errors, there may be preliminary rejection of the submission.

n) Articles by the same author (even co-authored) will not be published in subsequent issues of the journal, except in the case of subsequent submission to a thematic dossier. When submitting more than one article, the author is aware that, if approved, there will be a queue for publication.

o) The paper must address issues related to criminal sciences and criminal procedure and be compatible with the editorial line of the RBDPP and with the section or dossier to which it was submitted.

p) All data, codes and materials underlying the article and used in designing and carrying out the research must be properly cited in the text and included in the reference list with a persistent identifier such as DOI.

  • Articles that use underlying data (such as empirical research) should provide their tables and files (eg excel tables, sources, etc.) for peer review and deposit in open data repositories. We suggest depositing at: and In terms of the Scielo Policies, "the objective is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, to contribute to the preservation and reuse of the contents and the reproducibility of the research". There may be exceptions for legal and ethical reasons.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Is the contribution unpublished, free from plagiarism, and is not being evaluated or waiting for publication in another journal or book? Otherwise or if it deposited in a preprint server, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor ".
  • Does the paper address issues related to the criminal sciences and the criminal procedure and is it compatible with the editorial line (focus and scope) of the RBDPP and with the section / dossier to which it was submitted?
  • Is the text is preceded by a title, abstract (up to 200 words) and three to five keywords, all in the language of the article and in English, as well as a summary (in the language of the paper)? Is the paper divided into topics and presents specific items for introduction, final considerations (or conclusions) and references?
  • Does the paper have between 15 and 25 pages without spacing between paragraphs, 1.5 in line-spacing, Times New Roman font (size 12 in the body and 10 in the footnotes) and top and bottom margins 2.0 cm and the sides 3.0 cm?
  • Does the article use updated bibliographical references and of national and foreign authors that are representative in the subject? The work must be a reliable source for the reader to know the current state about the subject addressed. Does the paper cite and reference all data, program codes and other materials that have been used or generated in the research?
  • If there is funding for the research, is the source of that indicated in footnote? If there is a presentation of unpublished empirical research results involving human beings, is there an indication of approval by ethics committee in a footnote?
  • Is the submission file in Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) format and not PDF format? Are the instructions for blind peer evaluation followed, ensuring the anonymity of the file?
  • Have the URLs and DOIs of the references been informed in the list at the end of the article, when possible? The existence of DOI must be searched in Crossref Metadata Search. In addition, the author is requested to register in ORCID and include the number in user profile in the RBDPP.
  • Does the paper have a maximum of three authors? In cases of empirical research and/or peculiar complexity, which require more collaborators, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor", explaining this situation and indicating concretely the contribution of each author.
  • The article file is in compliance with the RBDPP exemple and instructions, that might be download here.

Fundamentals of Criminal Procedure

Nesta seção serão publicados artigos científicos relacionados aos fundamentos do Direito Processual Penal, abordando temáticas como: sistemas processuais; atores processuais e suas funções; lei processual penal; princípios processuais penais; categorias elementares; natureza jurídica, função e objeto do processo penal; etc. Seu objetivo principal é elucidar as bases e premissas para o estudo do direito processual penal.

Criminal prosecution: investigation, public oral trial and appeal

De um modo amplo, esta seção abrange as diversas fases da persecução penal, com seus temas inerentes: investigação preliminar, juízo oral e etapa recursal. Assim, serão publicados artigos científicos sobre temáticas como: inquérito policial, CPIs, fase intermediária, competência,  procedimentos, recursos, ações de impugnação, entre outros.

Criminal evidence theory

Esta seção abrange a teoria da prova penal, tanto em seus fundamentos epistemológicos, quanto provas em espécie. Assim, pode-se abordar temas de teoria geral da prova, meios de prova, meios de obtenção de prova, etc.

Preventive measures

Por se tratar de temática de extrema relevância ao processo penal, esta seção pretende publicar artigos científicos relacionados às medidas cautelares pessoais, reais ou probatórias. Serão aceitos trabalhos que estudem, por exemplo: prisões cautelares, medidas alternativas, fiança, sequestro, restrições patrimoniais, produção antecipada de provas, etc.

Criminal Execution

Nesta seção serão publicados artigos sobre a fase de execução da pena, pretendendo abrir espaço para o questionamento de suas premissas e seus institutos, como os procedimentos administrativos disciplinares, o exercício da competência jurisdicional ampla, os mecanismos de impugnação, etc.

International Criminal Procedure and International Legal Cooperation

A realidade contemporânea, marcada pela velocidade das interações sociais, pelos seus riscos inerentes e pela globalização, demanda novos olhares para o processo penal clássico desde uma perspectiva internacional. Esta seção está destinada aos estudos que envolvam o processo penal internacional de maneira geral, inclusive com temas relacionados ao controle de convencionalidade, jurisdição internacional, etc., como também aos que, especificamente, tratem da Cooperação Jurídica Internacional em matéria penal no seu amplo aspecto.

Juvenile Criminal Procedure

Embora caracteriza tema ainda pouco explorado sob a perspectiva processual penal, o Processo Penal Juvenil ou Infracional merece atenção especial, que será enfocada nesta seção. Pretende-se destacar tal tema para divulgação e debate acadêmico, visando à pesquisa de suas bases fundamentais, elementos constituintes e institutos específicos.

Criminal Procedure in an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Nesta seção pretende-se publicar artigos que relacionem o direito processual penal com outras áreas do conhecimento, do direito (penal e criminologia, por ex.) ou distintas, como a sociologia, a política, a filosofia, a psicanálise, literatura, etc., com pertinência, reflexos ou relevância para a pesquisa em processo penal.

Teaching and scientific research in criminal procedure law

Esta seção pretende publicar textos que explorem a temática do ensino, da pesquisa, da editoração e, portanto, da produção científica no âmbito do direito processual penal.

Caselaw Comments

Serão publicados comentários críticos a decisões jurisprudenciais relevantes, em âmbito nacional (preferencialmente, dos tribunais superiores) e internacional (por ex. de Tribunais Internacionais de Direitos Humanos). Tais comentários deverão se fundamentar em doutrina consistente, realizando suas críticas de modo científico, com a utilização de referências sólidas, atuais e representativas na temática abordada.


Serão publicadas resenhas bibliográficas, preferencialmente de trabalhos acadêmicos relevantes (como teses e dissertações), objetivando a divulgação e publicização de pesquisas inovadoras na área do direito processual penal. As resenhas não são meros resumos dos trabalhos, mas estudos críticos, com comentários científicos e análise de sua real contribuição.

Scientific critic (reader's letter)

Serão aceitas críticas científicas a artigos publicados na RBDPP. Tais escritos deverão adotar tom estritamente científico, questionando as premissas, a metodologia ou os resultados de trabalhos anteriormente divulgados no periódico. O texto deve ser embasado em doutrina consistente e apresentar os problemas da(s) tese(s) e possíveis pautas de soluções. O autor do artigo criticado será comunicado para apresentar réplica, com um prazo de 20 dias para sua submissão.

Nesta seção poderão ser publicados, inclusive, pareceres de avaliadores da RBDPP, realizados no controle cego por pares. Trata-se de opção oferecida aos pareceristas, que podem abrir mão de seu anonimato para divulgar uma crítica cientifica relevante e bem fundamentada ao artigo publicado. Certamente, isso será possível somente após a aprovação final do artigo avaliado, que é inicialmente distribuído sem identificação de autoria aos pareceristas (respeitando o double blind peer review). A crítica deverá ser embasada cientificamente, envolvendo aspectos materiais, de conteúdo, a partir de referencial teórico sólido.

O texto deverá ter entre 3 (três) e 7 (sete) páginas, com indicação de lista de referências bibliográficas. A crítica deve abordar aspectos substanciais da tese sustentada pelo autor, a partir de referencial teórico sólido e não somente aspectos formais.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.