Presuntivism and false dichotomy between lie and truth: two possible reasons why we continue to ignore the impact of factors such as retention interval and post-event information in criminal procedure.

Three proposals about what to do




Eyewitness testimony, Evidential reasoning, Psychology of Testimony.


The present study explores retention interval and post-event information as two potential factors of impact in eyewitness testimony; those factors have been proven scientifically long time ago, but continue to be in the shadows of criminal procedure jurisprudence. The article aims to answer two questions: (i) considering all the scientific evidence available, why do factors as retention interval and post-event information continue to be ignored by the law, and, specifically by the criminal procedure jurisprudence?; (ii) how is it possible to rearrange criminal procedures in order to consider and deal with memory retention interval and post-event information? To do so, in the first part it presents two reasons that contribute to keep those problems in the shadows (presuntivism and false dichotomy between truth and lie); in the second part, it presents the problems; and in the third part it presents three proposals to try to deal with them (immediate production, when possible, and the existence of protocols about the ways of questioning and about the need that interviews are recorded. The methodology used is the analysis of bibliography on psychology and epistemology of testimony, as well as criminal procedure jurisprudence.


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Author Biography

  • Vitor de Paula Ramos, Universitat de Girona, Girona

    Doutor em Direito, Economia e Empresa pela Universidade de Girona (Espanha), cum laude. Mestre e Doutor em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), onde se graduou com láurea acadêmica. Professor do Mestrado em Raciocínio Probatório da Universidade de Girona (Espanha) e nos cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu em Processo Civil da PUCRS e da Uniritter. Coordenador da Coleção Raciocínio Probatório, publicada pela Editora JusPodivm. Professor convidado em diversos cursos de Processo Civil e Direito Probatório, no Brasil e no Exterior. Membro efetivo da IAPL (Associação Internacional de Direito Processual) e do IBDP (Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual). Membro do Conselho Assessor da Revista Internacional de Direito Probatório Quaestio Facti. Autor de livros publicados pela RT e pela Marcial Pons (Espanha), artigos publicados no Brasil e no exterior, além de traduções jurídicos. Advogado atuante.


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DOSSIER: Testimonial evidence in criminal procedure

How to Cite

de Paula Ramos, V. (2022). Presuntivism and false dichotomy between lie and truth: two possible reasons why we continue to ignore the impact of factors such as retention interval and post-event information in criminal procedure.: Three proposals about what to do. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure, 8(3).